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AustraliaMan arrested after head-on collision in Brisbane kills two people

Man arrested after head-on collision in Brisbane kills two people

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In a head-on crash close to Brisbane, two people have died and one is in critical condition.

The collision occurred in Moreton Bay on the D’Aguilar Highway, which is west of Caboolture.

Emergency medical services and helicopters were quick to respond.

A guy and a lady in one vehicle perished despite rescue attempts.

Doctors had to fly another woman to the hospital.

According to Inspector Craig White, the guy behind the wheel of the westbound vehicle that slammed into the eastbound one was taken into custody on suspicion of hazardous driving.

In a stable condition, he was transferred to the hospital.

Attention all citizens: the police are launching a call for witnesses.





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