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AustraliaMan and little daughter, 11, murdered after car dropped on NSW mid-north...

Man and little daughter, 11, murdered after car dropped on NSW mid-north coast embankment

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following their car running off the road and down an embankment, a man 45 years old and an 11-year-old daughter have perished in a tragedy on the NSW mid-north coast.

Two little boys, eight and nine, were evacuated to John Hunter hospital, where they remain tonight.

After the dad and three small children never arrived at their intended location, a worried relative set out the alert about one in the morning.

NSW Police Chief Inspector Timothy Bayly added, “The concerns were based around the fact that the persons were believed to be travelling to a relative’s residence and they failed to arrive.”

Officers discovered the SUV down an embankment along The Bucketts Way, a long meandering country road close to Gloucester, about three in the morning, around a three-hour journey north of Sydney.

While the two young lads were stuck in the car, the 45-year-old driver and an 11-year-old girl passed dead.

Once released, they were sent to the hospital; the eight-year-old was physically unharmed but the nine-year-old suffered major fractures to both his legs.

Both were in stunned state. Now trying to put together the catastrophe, investigators are appealing to everyone who could have observed the accident.





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