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AustraliaTwo out of seven juveniles held on suspicion of stabbing in Westfield...

Two out of seven juveniles held on suspicion of stabbing in Westfield Doncaster were released on bond

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In the wake of an alleged savage stabbing that occurred on Friday in front of horrified shoppers at a Melbourne shopping complex, seven boys were taken into custody.

Mark News has exclusive information that two of the teens charged are already out on bond for an alleged hit-and-run in Warranwood last month, which left a 14-year-old girl in critical condition.

Allegedly, the altercation occurred yesterday in the food court at Westfield Doncaster, right in front of families enjoying their supper.

At around 530 p.m., the accused perpetrators were confronted by heavily armed police, who ordered the security officers to use chairs as barriers.

Allegedly, three boys were stabbed with a box cutter; all three were transported to the hospital with injuries that were not considered life-threatening.

Arrested were seven juveniles, ranging in age from thirteen to seventeen, two of whom were among the three lads admitted to the hospital. 

Since then, five of them have been released, either on bond or while the inquiry continues.

Thrilling customers at Melbourne’s Westfield Doncaster were stunned on Friday when seven boys were taken into custody following an alleged violent stabbing.

Today in court, two juveniles—one 15 and one 16 years old—were pictured. “It’s awful.

Hey there, teen! This is really common right now. Says one frightened consumer.

“We were a bit cautious coming here just because we didn’t know what was gonna happen,” a another participant stated.

Shopping malls are terrifying.

These days, this is commonplace.

Three out of five people think something must be done.

Officers are committed to ensuring that juvenile offenders face consequences, according to Shane Patton, chief commissioner of the Victoria Police. 

“We’ve certainly had significant offending and we are totally focused on holding youth offenders to account,” stated the governor.

“We are throwing everything we can to make the community safer.”

Since then, Westfield Doncaster has increased security across the facility and begun providing counseling to employees.





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