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AustraliaAllegedly engaged in a wild pursuit, a man claiming to be the...

Allegedly engaged in a wild pursuit, a man claiming to be the brother of NRL player Alex Twal was apprehended

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After reportedly leading police on a frantic pursuit across southwest Sydney, a 30-year-old man was apprehended.

He claims to be the brother of an NRL star.

Jamie Twal, who claimed to be the brother of West Tigers footballer Alex Twal at 6pm yesterday, allegedly assaulted a Celebrations liquor store at Merrylands, sparking a 45-minute pursuit.

“He goes to my son, ‘I am Jamie, my brother is an NRL player’,” according to a witness.

A souvenir bottle shaped like an AK-47 was allegedly taken by Twal thereafter.

“He was threatening to transform this into a fully functional firearm,” an eyewitness asserted.

On Hilltop road, he allegedly proceeded to aim the bottle at a bus driver before stopping and robbing a white Toyota sedan.

The driver supposedly took them to Parramatta at Twal’s insistence, and then the driver turned over the keys to his car.

A police aircraft subsequently observed him abandoning the vehicle on Boronia Street in Ermington after he allegedly drove recklessly on Parramatta Road, crashing into other vehicles.

The vehicle had already taken a beating before the authorities arrived. 

Witness Nick Gray reported seeing a vehicle traveling along the road without tires. “It was sounding like rattling tins.”

Even though Twal was apprehended at a residence in Ermington, the authorities are of the belief that it was not his intended location.

He allegedly told the driver he had abducted to take him to Villawood, according to the police.

Tonight, Twal is still in jail on multiple accusations, including larceny and aggressive weapon use.





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