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AustraliaSuspect in wife's murder allegedly placed her corpse near a ride-on lawnmower

Suspect in wife’s murder allegedly placed her corpse near a ride-on lawnmower

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

According to the police, a ride-on lawnmower was discovered near the body of a woman who was allegedly murdered by her husband.

Robert John Crawford, a 46-year-old air force pilot, was remanded in custody after a brief mention of his charges at Friday’s Ipswich Magistrates Court hearing.

His personal appearance was not necessary.

An Upper Lockyer property, west of Brisbane, was where his wife Frances Elizabeth Crawford was discovered dead in the early hours of July 30.

He is charged with murder and interfering with a corpse. Near the lawnmower at the base of a retaining wall, the 49-year-old prominent Toowoomba psychotherapist was found.

Police have claimed in court papers submitted for Friday’s court appearance that someone had relocated Ms. Crawford’s body prior to that time.

An incident involving a ride-on lawnmower was reported, and emergency services were sent.

Earlier reports said that Crawford dialled triple zero and was present at the residence on the purported night of his wife’s death, making him the last person to see her alive.

Andrew McGinness, Crawford’s lawyer, requested a two-week extension so that the matter could be revisited on October 25.

The application was granted and Crawford was ordered detained in jail by Acting Magistrate Sue Ganasan.

Murder suspects in Queensland are required by law to appear before the Supreme Court to request bail.

McGinness remained silent as he exited the court.

This past week, homicide investigators issued a public call for witnesses or anyone with knowledge regarding Crawford to come forward.

Crawford was apprehended on Thursday, according to Detective Superintendent George Marchesini, who credited the courageous individuals who had come forward and the relentless work of the investigators.

“Wonderful young adults who will continue Frances’ legacy” were the words used by Ms. Crawford’s family as they paid tribute to the mother-of-three late Thursday night.

The family also promised to stand by her children. The family has launched a fundraiser to help cover the expenses for her children’s future.

“Frances leaves behind three amazing children who have lost their beautiful mother in the most tragic of circumstances,” said family friend Suzanne Duffy on the GoFundMe page.

“We are reaching out to the Australian community for support to help Frances’ children after this heartbreaking incident taking their mother from their lives.”

That Crawford was “one of those people who always checked in on others” was her way of describing her.

“She has a genuine and generous heart.

Charming on the inside and the outside together.

In life and in death, it is how she was described by her loved ones, neighbours, and coworkers.





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