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AustraliaPolice have accused a RAAF pilot with the murder of his wife,...

Police have accused a RAAF pilot with the murder of his wife, whose body was discovered near a lawnmower

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Months after Frances Crawford’s body was discovered at her house in Queensland, next to a ride-on lawn mower, her husband, an Air Force pilot, has been charged with her murder.

At approximately 3.40am on July 30, emergency services were summoned to the Upper Lockyer property, where they discovered the body of Ms. Crawford, 49, lying next to the mower at the base of a retaining wall.

This morning, 47-year-old Royal Australian Air Force squadron captain Robert Crawford was taken into custody. After further investigation, Detective Superintendent George Marchesini said this afternoon that her husband is now facing charges of murder and misconduct involving a corpse by interfering.

He was unable to respond when asked whether the police suspect premeditation in the alleged murder. 

Tomorrow, Mr. Crawford is scheduled to appear before the Magistrates of Ipswich.

Although today was a positive development, her children and relatives expressed their sadness that “sadly nothing will bring Frances back to us” in a declaration.

“Frances Crawford will be remembered as a loving mother, beloved daughter, sister and friend and dedicated health professional and valued member of her church and community,” according to them.

The circumstances surrounding her death have made our loss all the more painful.

“Frances’ passing will profoundly affect each of us for the rest of our lives but none more than her three beautiful children.”

Today, Mr. Crawford was taken into Ipswich Police Station in a police cruiser while appearing expressionless and with his eyes closed.

According to prior reports, Mr. Crawford is helping the police with their investigation and is said to have been the last person to see his wife alive.

It is suspected that Mr. Crawford has been engaged with many women outside of his marriage, according to Marchesini, who made the announcement last Friday.

“Mr Crawford may have met these women on dating applications, and through his personal and professional life,” said Marchesini.

“Investigations have revealed Mr Crawford has connected with women in Italy, United States of America, Papua New Guinea, Guam, Afghanistan, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Western Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland.”

The police appealed to women in several nations, and they came forward after having contact with Mr. Crawford.

“Detectives can confirm a number of people have provided information since our last public appeal and thank those people for their bravery in coming forward,” according to law enforcement.

The police are not seeking anyone else, according to Marchesini, who stated that a “open investigation” was underway.





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