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AustraliaDutton believes the prime minister should "stand condemned" for his response as...

Dutton believes the prime minister should “stand condemned” for his response as Albanese commemorates the 7th of October in parliament

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The leader of the opposition party, Peter Dutton, has accused Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of inciting antisemitism by his reaction to the terror attack on Israel on October 7.

In the wake of yesterday’s one-year anniversary of the assault, Albanese has presented a motion in parliament to denounce the attack, pay tribute to the victims, and demand a diplomatic settlement in Lebanon and a truce in Gaza in the face of intensifying Middle Eastern war.

“Every Israeli, every Palestinian and every Lebanese” lives matter, he continued, and that includes the innocent lives of both sides.

“Our government has consistently and repeatedly called for a ceasefire, for the release of all hostages and for the protection of all civilians,” according to him.

We are still certain that a two-state solution is the best way to achieve lasting peace.

Israel and Palestine, two sovereign states, coexisting in safety and prosperity.

After meeting with Albanese earlier today and failing to establish a bipartisan accord, Dutton informed parliament that he would not back the motion.

“This government has sought to walk both sides of the street in relation to what has been a very divisive debate for our country,” according to him.

“It’s what, in part, has given rise to the antisemitism that we have seen in university campuses but across society more generally.”

According to Dutton, the purpose of the motion was not limited to honoring the victims.

“Your predecessors would have had the dignity to respect the Jewish community in a way you’ve not done today, and there has been a position of bipartisanship on these issues,” Dutton added.

And you ought to be held accountable for that, prime minister.

“We have put to this prime minister a more than reasonable position and the prime minister has rejected that position for his own political domestic advancement and that has been recognised by millions of Australians.”

In parliament, Albanese shook his head in disapproval at the comments. 





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