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AustraliaFollowing threats that put children into lockdown, police have encircled a school...

Following threats that put children into lockdown, police have encircled a school in Melbourne

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After receiving threats verbally, a high school in Melbourne’s inner-east was placed on lockdown this afternoon.

It appears that the school received the threats, therefore Kew High School closed down as a precaution to protect students and staff on the Burke Road site.

There was a large police contingent surrounding the school, according to 3AW Drive callers who spoke with host Jacqui Felgate.

There are cops all over the place; I just drove by.

According to Steve’s account on 3AW Drive, he has seen eight police cars and one emergency response unit.

On the premises of the Kew East school, some parents of pupils heard rumors that someone might have been carrying a weapon or machete.

The presence or absence of a firearm has not been confirmed by the police; nonetheless, they have stated their intent to apprehend the individual thought to have initiated the incident. Luckily, nobody got hurt.





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