15.1 C

AustraliaAs storms pummel southeast Queensland, knocking out electricity to thousands of homes

As storms pummel southeast Queensland, knocking out electricity to thousands of homes

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Today, lightning and violent storms struck southeast Queensland, knocking electricity out to thousands of households. 

Suburbs from Redland City to Scenic Rim felt strong winds, heavy rain, hail, and around 100,000 lightning strikes today.

In Slacks Creek, the severe weather pulled down trees and powerlines, while in Goodna, low-lying neighborhoods experienced flash floods.

According to Energex, almost 5,000 houses were left without power during the storm’s height. The bad weather is predicted to last all night long. 

A storm warning was issued for the southern part of New South Wales and southeast Queensland earlier this week.

A sudden shift to the south is dumping a deluge of rain and storms on the two states, following a long weekend of record-high temperatures.

Storms with destructive winds, heavy rain, and thunderstorms are expected to hit a wide area, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.

This includes areas in southeast Queensland, such as Gympie, Toowoomba, and Brisbane, as well as the mid-north coast of New South Wales.

As the storms intensify over the coming days, large hailstones are expected to fall on certain regions of Queensland.

Devastating winds have the potential to topple trees or branches, creating perilous driving conditions in certain regions.

According to the BoM, a low pressure system is advancing across the central and southern coasts of New South Wales and is expected to pass through these regions on Tuesday afternoon and evening.

Queensland may also see storms and rains as a result of this.

Storms and showers will linger into Wednesday in the same regions, with south-east Queensland taking the worst of the action.

Thursday, the chance of storms will decrease, and showers will largely affect the coasts of New South Wales and southeast Queensland.

The Bureau has also issued a severe wind warning for the Moreton Bay and Gold Coast districts.





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