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AustraliaAlleged calls to a mosque led to charges against an elderly woman

Alleged calls to a mosque led to charges against an elderly woman

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Authorities in Sydney have filed charges against an 82-year-old woman they say called a mosque with threats.

On Friday, a mosque on Garema Circuit in Kingsgrove contacted the New South Wales Police to report what they believed to be harassing phone calls.

The mosque reportedly received two calls on October 1 and one call on Friday, according to the information officers were given.
On Saturday at 9:50 a.m., police visited Five Dock to talk with an 82-year-old woman.

“Australia is for Israelis,” she allegedly told Masjid Arrahman personnel, as reported in The Sydney Morning Herald.

For the offense of using a carriage service to menace, she was served a notice to appear in court at a later date.

On November 27, she is scheduled to make an appearance in Bankstown Local Court.

The mosque’s derogatory description of the killed Hezbollah fighters as “martyrs” has put it in the unfavorable spotlight ever since the fighting broke out, according to the newspaper.





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