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AustraliaAfter a car crashes into a crowd of people outside an Adelaide...

After a car crashes into a crowd of people outside an Adelaide pub, a man is charged with the crime

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A man is facing charges following an incident that occurred early this morning outside of a pub in South Australia, when a car is said to have crashed with a group of individuals.

A number of individuals were pinned against a wall at the Royal Family Hotel on North Terrace in Port Elliot the second the driver allegedly accelerated, as seen on CCTV footage.

A young man who was reportedly an employee at the bar is in critical condition, while four others are battling to recover from less serious wounds.

According to the police, the driver in question fled the scene of the accident at around 1:30 in the morning but quickly returned.

Police have taken a 37-year-old male into custody and transported him to the Christies Beach Police Station.

He faces charges of fleeing the scene of an accident and causing harm by hazardous driving.

A male, aged 22, from Hindmarsh Island, sustained catastrophic injuries and is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Adelaide.

A man from Goolwa Beach, aged 21, a lady from Port Elliott, aged 37, a woman from Inman Valley, aged 20, and a man from Blackwood, aged 30, were among the four individuals who received minor injury treatment.

The incident occurred early this morning outside of a pub in South Australia.

A young man is in critical condition and four others have suffered minor injuries.

At around 1:30 in the morning on North Terrace in Port Elliot, a collision occurred; the driver in question allegedly fled the scene but eventually returned, according to the police.

While police investigated, North Terrace in Port Elliot, a seaside hamlet adjacent to Victor Harbor and south of Adelaide, was closed for the majority of the day.

Christies Beach Magistrates Court will hear the driver’s case on October 8, following the denial of bail.





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