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AustraliaAfter reportedly taking MP's car and speeding at authorities, two males were...

After reportedly taking MP’s car and speeding at authorities, two males were shot by police

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In the underground parking lot of a unit complex in western Sydney, two men were shot by police after they had allegedly driven a stolen car toward authorities.

The car had been seized from the residence of state Labor MP Karen McKeown.

At 12.10pm today, police were dispatched to Lane Street in Wentworthville in response to claims of a stolen automobile, according to the NSW Police.

Someone broke into McKeown’s house in the wee hours of the morning and took her white Mercedes-Benz SUV, according to the police.

According to South West Metropolitan Region Commander Paul Dunstan, the car’s owner gave police access to the vehicle’s GPS tracker, which allowed them to locate the vehicle.

The police officers arrived at the scene and proceeded to the unit block’s underground parking garage, where they were confronted by the driver of the reportedly stolen vehicle.

“As they walked down the driveway they found a locked garage door with a car inside, as they opened the garage the vehicle accelerated towards them,” said Dunstan.

Two men in the automobile were wounded when three police officers opened fire.

A sergeant and a six-month probationary officer were among the police engaged. 

While paramedics were on their way, the officers administered first aid.

Westmead Hospital will be treating both males. It is known that one individual has suffered severe injuries to the neck, and another has suffered severe damage to the thigh.

There were no injuries to the cops.

It was stolen before the shooting of the MP’s husband’s automobile.Earlier today, the automobile was reportedly stolen from McKeown’s residence in Leonay, close to Penrith.

The police claimed that the men stole the car after stealing the keys from inside the house.

Though they were both at home during the alleged heist, McKeown and her husband did not learn about it until they awoke.

My husband’s automobile was taken last night, and my home was broken into.

Following the incident, I contacted the police,” the lawmaker stated.

Despite being traumatized by what happened, I am fortunate to be unharmed.

I would like to express my gratitude to the New South Wales Police for their swift action, especially the local area command at Cumberland and Penrith.

“Political leaders frequently commend the courage of the police.

I have personally witnessed this today.

The event where McKeown was supposed to make an appearance tomorrow has been rescheduled.

An emergency situation has been proclaimed due to the shooting.

At 1.24 pm, a critical incident was declared, according to Karen Webb, the commissioner of police in New South Wales.

“The Critical Incident team has been formed from the State Crime Command’s Homicide Squad,” according to Webb.

“That investigation will be subject to an independent review.”

It was confirmed at 12:50 pm by X that a police operation was taking place in Wentworthville.

“A police operation is underway at Wentworthville,” the X post posted.

“No further information is available at this stage.”

Prior to the arrival of emergency personnel, neighbors reported hearing a guy shouting and gunshots emanating from the location.

At this time, nothing is known about their circumstances. 

A press conference by the police is scheduled for later this afternoon. 





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