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AustraliaThe humanitarian organization Minderoo, founded by an Australian billionaire, has promised to...

The humanitarian organization Minderoo, founded by an Australian billionaire, has promised to send $18 million to Gaza

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest, a billionaire from Australia, has now pledged an additional $18 million via his Minderoo Foundation in response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

He has urged other companies and philanthropists to do the same.

More than 1.5 million meals will be funded by $7.3 million that will be allocated to World Central Kitchen’s operations in Gaza, and an additional $7.3 million will be given to the United Nations World Food Programme.

UNICEF, the Palestinian Water Authority, and others will share $3.6 million to fund the construction of water and sanitation systems in Gaza.

The World Health Organization reports that since 7 October 2023, the escalating conflict between Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory has resulted in over 41,000 civilian casualties and 96,000 injuries.

Additionally, the shortage of medical supplies, food, water, and fuel has further strained an already underfunded health system. Forrest made it clear in a statement that the Minderoo Foundation will not stand by and do nothing when children go hungry.

We are among the small number of Australian charities that are helping to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

“We want to see the philanthropic and private sector respond more strongly to the humanitarian needs in Gaza.”

Since October 7, 70 million meals have been given to Palestinians by World Central Kitchen.

Hot meals and specialized nutritional goods are provided to mothers and children by the United Nations World Food Programme, which also supports bakeries and gives food kits to families in shelters.

Nicola Forrest emphasized the urgent need for action in light of the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza.

“It is heartbreaking to see the suffering of civilians in Gaza, especially children, who suffer disproportionately as innocent victims of conflict,” according to her.

According to UNICEF, 900,000 children are among the approximately 1.8 million Gazans that need humanitarian aid with access to water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Last year, UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell warned the UN Security Council that “the lack of clean water and safe sanitation is on the verge of becoming a catastrophe.”

“Unless access to clean water is urgently restored, more civilians, including children, will fall ill or die from dehydration or waterborne diseases.”

The humanitarian support in Gaza by the Minderoo Foundation has reached over $41 million since October 2023, thanks to the funding announcement today.

A permanent and urgent ceasefire in the area has been demanded by Forrest.

Although he fell to number eight this year, Forrest was ranked as Australia’s second-wealthiest person in last year’s Australian Financial Review 2023 Rich List.

He and his ex-wife Nicola vowed to donate much of their fortune to charity in 2013.





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