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AustraliaThe South Australian cruise season begins with the arrival of the first...

The South Australian cruise season begins with the arrival of the first ships

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Today marked the beginning of the 2024 cruising season when the first cruise ships docked in Adelaide’s Outer Harbor.

Some of South Australia’s most famous landmarks will be visited by ships for the first time in more than a decade.

“It’s a fantastic way to see Australia, it offers tremendous value to our guests and it’s fantastic for the South Australian economy,” Megan Koffel, a spokesperson from Princess Cruises, described the experience.

More than twenty ships, ranging from the most opulent to the most family-friendly, will dock at the state’s coastlines for the first time this season.

“There’s expedition ships if you want a bit of a smaller, more intimate experience and then the really large ships here that have more value for money,” Zoe Bettison, Tourism Minister, said.

Ponant, a high-end French cruise line, will be making a historic first in 15 years by visiting Victor Harbor in addition to the Fleurieu Peninsula.

With roughly 300,000 guests anticipated to visit the state this season, the South Australian economy stands to gain even more than the $215 million brought in during last season’s cruise.

The cruise season is scheduled to end in June 2025.





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