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AustraliaA former nurse has been sentenced to prison time for sexually assaulting...

A former nurse has been sentenced to prison time for sexually assaulting both patients and students

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After being convicted of sexually assaulting a student and patients under his care at two private hospitals, a former nurse will serve a minimum of 3.5 years in prison.

From December 2018 to March 2022, Ali Khamis Moh sexually assaulted three different women in private hospitals in Sydney, specifically in the Norwest and Nepean areas.

The 44-year-old was handed a maximum sentence of five years and two months in prison with a three-and-a-half year non-parole period on Friday.

To satisfy his personal sexual desires, Moh “manipulated and abused his position of authority,” according to Judge Ian Bourke.

“The victims speak in clear terms of the fear, confusion, shock and sense of violation the victims experienced at the time of the incident,” he told the court in Parramatta.

A jury found Moh’d guilty on one count of rape and three counts of aggravated sexual touching last month after 14 hours of deliberations.

He was discovered to have taught a 21-year-old nursing student how to use a stethoscope to listen for bowel sounds while simultaneously grabbing her underpants and tugging it away from her skin, exposing her genitalia.

Jurors also heard from a 25-year-old woman who claimed that Moh had asked to examine a surgical incision on her crotch, massaged it, and then touched her vagina with his fingers.

Ms. After a 67-year-old woman had a shower before her operation, Moh’d was discovered to have touched her breasts while she applied new heart-monitoring stickers to her body.

His attorney Linda Barnes argued for a reduced term on the grounds that his client did not appear to derive any overt sexual satisfaction from his criminal behavior.

“We often see before the courts evidence from complainants along the lines of the observations that a person was visibly aroused, had erections, were ejaculating,” according to her.”

No one who spoke out against Moh claimed that he had shown any signs of sexual desire.

However, that argument did not satisfy Judge Bourke, who stated that the offense was serious.

“The absence of such elements does not reduce the seriousness,” according to him.

During the sentencing, Moh’d’s wife sat quietly in the rear of the courtroom. The year 2028 will mark his release eligibility.





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