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AustraliaRescuer rushed to save woman trapped in engulfed automobile in a matter...

Rescuer rushed to save woman trapped in engulfed automobile in a matter of seconds

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A heroic truck driver from South Australia who rescued a woman from a blazing vehicle shortly after a head-on collision has described the “chaotic” rescue operation.

On Wednesday night on the Princes Highway in the southeast of the state, between Tantanoola and Millicent, Michael Sleep was driving his truck when he witnessed Cleone Bryant confined to her car by flames.

“Running towards the car, I could see flames coming out of the engine bay, it was fully involved in the engine bay,” said Sleep.

On Wednesday night on the Princes Highway in the southeast of the state, between Tantanoola and Millicent, Michael Sleep was driving his truck when he witnessed Cleone Bryant confined to her car by flames.

Cleone, according to Kerri Byrant, who is her daughter-in-law, was unable to exit her vehicle.

“She was at the point where she was wondering how she’s going to smash a window,” according to her.

According to sleep, the fire spread rapidly.

On Wednesday night on the Princes Highway in the southeast of the state, between Tantanoola and Millicent, Michael Sleep was driving his truck when he witnessed Cleone Bryant confined to her car by flames.

“I think if I was even 30 seconds later it might have been a different story, might have been more difficult to reach her,” stated the man.

“It was pretty chaotic, I was trying to talk to the triple zero operator with my phone in one hand and trying to get the lady out of the vehicle with the other hand, while holding a torch as well.”

Sleep sprinted over to the other car’s female driver to offer assistance once she saw that the 70-year-old was okay.

“No second thoughts, it was just instinct,” said the man.

Hours following the accident, Cleone’s relatives posted on social media in an effort to identify Sleep, writing, “to the man who got my mum out of her burning car, you are literally a hero to us all.”

“He’s literally saved her life, we’re so grateful for him, he’s a real hero, just really brave,” added Kerri.

Cleone is spending time in the hospital while he heals from a shattered sternum and fractured ribs.

Their hero is someone they want to meet soon, the family hopes.

“I just said to my husband straight away like we need to find this man,” said Kerri. “I’d love to meet them and just say hello, see how she’s doing,” said Sleep.





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