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AustraliaIn honour of the teen stab victim, loved ones assemble at a...

In honour of the teen stab victim, loved ones assemble at a Melbourne shopping center

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Attendees of today’s memorial, which was held in memory of Oscar Hamilton, a young man who was stabbed to death in a shopping center in the outer west of Melbourne, included friends and classmates of the victim.

At Melton’s Woodgrove Shopping Centre, some 30 mourners paid their respects by placing floral tributes on behalf of the 16-year-old.

Briannan, who was dating Oscar, recounted anecdotes as she discussed the void that the teen’s death created in her life.

During the alleged stabbing incident that occurred in an outdoor place on Tuesday, she was in the company of the 16-year-old.

“The only thing he said was right after he got stabbed, he said, ‘Call an ambulance’ and that when it’s all just hit,” according to her.

“Oscar died before compressions even started.”

The retail center has increased security while support staff assist Oscar’s loved ones in coping with the tragedy.

Those who care about Oscar will be taking a stand against juvenile criminality tomorrow afternoon with a march that begins at the shopping center and ends at the Melton police station.





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