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Australia'My darling will rest in peace.' Perth man imprisoned for life for...

‘My darling will rest in peace.’ Perth man imprisoned for life for killing partner; family celebrates

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In Perth, a man convicted of many counts of domestic abuse has been given a life sentence for killing his partner with a knife.

In 2022, Christopher Dimer used a kitchen knife measuring fifteen centimeters to stab 26-year-old Shauna Lee Rose Headland in the neck at a residence in Nollamara.

Throughout the day, Dimer had been taking cannabis and meth.

Hearing that the man convicted of Headland’s murder will serve a minimum of twenty years in prison moved her loved ones to tears as they stood outside the courtroom.

“I’m feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment, but I’m satisfied with the result,” Headland’s mom expressed.

“I’m happy my baby will rest in peace now.”

In court, 42-year-old Dimer claimed he attempted to catch a falling knife that was part of a homemade curtain.

Thirty minutes subsequent to the stabbing of Headland, he was apprehended while he was concealed in a nearby bush.

The judge described the stabbing as a “senseless attack on a vulnerable woman” after it happened today.

She secured the unity of our family.

“She was absolutely unique and incredibly loving,” Headland’s brother remarked.

“She never got a chance to be a mother.”

Dimer expressed a desire to “sincerely apologise” in a letter that his defence attorney read aloud to the court.

“I regret it now because I made one big mistake,” he confessed.

“This whole court case has been trauma for me.” This was Dimer’s fourth offense for domestic abuse, according to the prosecution.

Two of them featured Headland, and one of them included shoving a wheelchair-bound ex-partner into oncoming traffic.

“No one has the right to take any woman’s life,” Headland’s relative stated.





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