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AustraliaWandin man died in automobile accident as police seek second driver

Wandin man died in automobile accident as police seek second driver

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A father was killed overnight east of Melbourne when his own car crashed, prompting police to search for a second driver.

Witnesses said that another vehicle started chasing Jason Wong, 39, of Wandin, and reportedly hit his back bumper as he drove home in his white Holden Commodore at around 10 o’clock that night.

Wong and the driver of a green Holden Commodore allegedly pulled over so they could both check for damage, according to the police.

According to detectives, the green car’s driver got back in and drove away.

When Wong’s vehicle rolled back and struck him, he was reportedly still standing outside.

The green car, purportedly driven by Wong, was behaving erratically and violently toward another vehicle, according to Darren Sadler, who was also driving on the same route.

“It did look really aggressive and you could hear the green Commodore really revving his car and really pushing it,” according to him.

He went around and saw Wong under his car after realizing both vehicles had pulled over. “We had an intuitive sense,” he explained.

Tragically, the 39-year-old passed away while emergency services were still on the site. His vehicle was in the gutter when we saw it.

Because it was still in reverse, we had no choice except to switch it off.

That went downhill in an instant.

It was a race to get him out, Sadler remarked. He ended up underneath, and I have no idea how that happened.

He was our constant companion throughout.

He sensed the presence of someone.

In honor of the beloved father, friends and family gathered along the roadside today.

Investigators from the Major Collision Investigation Unit are still looking for the green vehicle’s driver.





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