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AustraliaFinds sixty needles on streets and playgrounds prompts WA mother to demand...

Finds sixty needles on streets and playgrounds prompts WA mother to demand immediate action

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A woman from Western Australia is demanding immediate action following the discovery of over sixty discarded syringes in various locations throughout Broome, including parks, where children play.

In an effort to reduce the number of infections caused by drug addicts reusing needles, the state government has instituted a program that distributes clean syringe packs, known as Fitpacks, to those who use drugs at hospitals. 

59 needles were discovered on Broome Streets, including at a playground across from the home of Natalie Kennedy, a mother of two.

She now takes a bucket to pick up needles when she and her children go on walks since she is so worried about the amount of them. 

“I understand we don’t want them sharing needles but … they’re putting the safety of the user over and above the rest of the community,” said Kennedy.

“It is getting so bad, every day we find one.” “We need the support services up here, we need intervention … it goes beyond just handing out some needles at the hospital.”

Earlier this week, a needle was discovered on the school playground and pierced a pupil at Roebuck Primary.

The government should reconsider the idea, according to the mother.

While investigating a little alleyway between a school and Broome Cemetery, Mark News reporters in Perth discovered scores of used sharps covers and at least five syringes, which are supplied with the Fitpacks.

Another group urging WA Health to alter the program is the Broome Shire Council, which has proposed the use of retractable needles as an alternative.

Retractable needles may be convenient for injectable drug users, but the Department of Health warns that they provide a greater risk of virus transmission and are hence not recommended.

“We obviously continue to do everything we can to ensure that we get dirty needles off the streets,” Cook stated in his speech.





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