20.1 C

AustraliaA man from Perth was sentenced to prison for extorting hundreds of...

A man from Perth was sentenced to prison for extorting hundreds of young women

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Please note that some readers may find details of sexual crimes in this article distressing.

A court called the crimes committed by the Perth man, who is believed to be Australia’s worst cyber predator, “abhorrent,” “cruel,” and “humiliating.”

He has been imprisoned for nearly 20 years. Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen Rasheed, 29, was today found guilty of sexually abusing hundreds of young women worldwide and sentenced to 17 years in prison.

The Perth engineer preyed on 286 teenage victims from 20 different nations from the comfort of his bedroom.

He pretended to be a 15-year-old YouTuber in order to entice them into his depraved trap and then kept extorting them into doing sex acts on tape.

Starting in late 2018, the sextortion frenzy lasted for 11 months.

A lot of stuff is too upsetting to write about.

Noam Chomsky, known as “the father of modern linguistics,” lists the five books he believes will transform your life.

The majority of the casualties were teenagers; the youngest was only ten.

A few were mistreated in front of other paedophiles in person.

Rasheed seemed unfazed by the girls’ frequent cries and begs, or threats of self-harm in certain circumstances.

If they obliged, the demands would simply grow more twisted and blackmail them even more.

According to the 29-year-old’s diagnosis of coercive sexual sadism disorder, he enjoyed seeing his victims suffer.

This information was presented to the court.

Rasheed’s crimes were so numerous that the WA District Court needed nearly three days to punish him.

Judge Amanda Burrows described his behaviour as “abhorrent”, “cruel”, and “humiliating”, with “devastating lifelong consequences” for his victims.

She stated that there were no cases in Australia with which to compare it.

In 2033, Rasheed will be eligible for parole.





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