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AustraliaSuspect in alleged hit-and-run that killed food delivery rider faces drunk driving...

Suspect in alleged hit-and-run that killed food delivery rider faces drunk driving charges

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After an accident in Melbourne overnight killed a food delivery rider, a 32-year-old man is now facing drink driving charges.

The incident happened at 8 o’clock in the evening on Plummer Street in Port Melbourne, when the rider was reportedly hit while returning home.

A man from Southbank, who was 27 years old and worked for DoorDash, passed away at the scene.

According to the authorities, the motorist made a quick getaway before turning himself in. Subsequently, a man from Port Melbourne, who is 32 years old, was charged with drunk driving and failing to stop and provide aid at an accident scene.

Those at DoorDash are “absolutely devastated by this tragic loss of life,” according to a representative from the company.

“During this horrible tragedy, our hearts are with the loved ones of the riders,” the representative stated.

“We have reached out to Victoria Police to assist with bringing those responsible to justice and assist with any investigation.”

This incident serves as a “tragic” reminder, according to Michael Kaine, national secretary of the Transport Workers’ Union, of the critical importance of providing workers with safe and fair working conditions.

This is the 18th food delivery rider fatality in Australia this year, and he said it had a profound impact on the community of gig workers in transportation.

“Gig workers in Australia working in food delivery are some of the most vulnerable workers in this country,” he added.

“The family and the larger gig community will now have to deal with the needless tragedy of a food delivery rider not returning home after a shift.

“Food delivery riders currently have no rights like a safe and fair minimum wage, sick leave, protection against unfair contract terminations, and workers’ compensation in the horrific event something goes wrong.”

The motorist is required to make an appearance in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court tomorrow after being granted bail.





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