20.6 C

AustraliaResidents demand immediate intervention in response to the increasing crime rates

Residents demand immediate intervention in response to the increasing crime rates

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Goondiwindi is located around four and a half hours west of Brisbane, as measured in a straight line.

Nearly 6000 individuals reside in this area, nevertheless, a significant number of them express living in a state of terror and feeling captive to delinquent juveniles.

“Upon returning home from work in the evening, my eight-year-old daughter awakens in a state of terror, believing that an intruder is attempting to gain entry.

This situation is deeply distressing,” expressed Marlana Bishop, a resident of the area.

Within the past week, there have been two instances of forceful entry resulting in property damage, specifically broken windows in residential residences, and the theft of automobiles.

An elderly woman was forcibly knocked down, resulting in the theft of her keys and car.

A instructor attempted to protect himself but was struck in the mouth with a baton by assailants wielding machetes.

A significant number of the stolen vehicles originating from Goondiwindi are ultimately found in the town of Boggabilla in New South Wales.

Video footage documents a site where stolen automobiles have been destroyed and buildings have been burned down, all as a result of the actions of teenage thieves.

An important concern for the police in Goondiwindi is the border with New South Wales.

After crossing the line, offenders are subject to limited intervention by officials.

“The town has been completely devastated,” stated resident Garry Roberts.

Mark News sent an invitation to anyone residing in Gundy who have experienced the negative consequences of juvenile delinquency to gather at a local park and share their personal accounts.

There was a significant and enthusiastic reaction, with 150 individuals from the local community sharing their own experiences.

Graham Smith was assaulted with golf clubs by juvenile delinquents during a brutal intrusion into his residence.

“Someone wielded a substantial dining room chair and struck me with it,” he recounted.

“At the midpoint, I genuinely believed that I had completed the task.”

The residence of Sarah Jane Morris, a young mother, was burglarized while she was asleep inside.

She encountered the perpetrators who had taken her keys and car.

“As a result of our car being stolen and the subsequent stress, I experienced a miscarriage,” she stated.

The border town now desires the presence of the premiers of both Queensland and New South Wales to personally witness the situation.

“Marlana Bishop stated that one should visit this town, take a drive just beyond the border, and observe the abundance of charred vehicles.”

Premier Steven Miles acknowledged the increasing crime rate in the town.

“I comprehend that the police are taking action, and they have dispatched extra officers,” he stated.





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