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AustraliaAnthony Albanese, the prime minister, comments on the 11-year-old's suspension from the...

Anthony Albanese, the prime minister, comments on the 11-year-old’s suspension from the school canteen

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Anthony Albanese has offered his opinion on a tuckshop argument at a primary school in Perth that resulted in the banning of a small boy from placing orders at the canteen.

The student’s mother had complained about the food service after her lunch order was not delivered, thus the P&C of Hocking Primary School imposed the punishment.

Natalie Durer acknowledges today that her remarks were inappropriate.

She sent an email to the canteen last year saying, “I am furious with the utter incompetence you continue to display; you need to get a new career as you are way too stupid.”

Durer said, “That was not a nice email.” “I did say some pretty inflammatory stuff.”

Durer sent a written apology, but her kid has subsequently been barred from the canteen. “I just really want to feel like normal with everybody else being able to order from the canteen,” Jaxon Durer Sparks stated.

When questioned about the conflict today, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese sided with the youngster and his mother.

Albanese said, “Oh, give the kid some lunch.”

“A bit of common sense should apply here and I’m sure that it will” Jaxon’s mother and he attempted to order lunch through a friend, but when the school discovered this, the mother of the other youngster was also informed that there could be a ban from the canteen. “They are punishing my son for my actions and that’s wrong,” Durer stated.

Although it cannot command the P&C, the Education Department says it is collaborating with them to find a workable solution.





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