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Australia18-year-old male was sentenced to prison for killing a teenager in NSW...

18-year-old male was sentenced to prison for killing a teenager in NSW “execution-style”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

During Rayne Aylward’s sentence in Lismore Supreme Court today, there were poignant and dramatic scenes.

A teenage male was fatally stabbed while sleeping by Aylward.

Ned Gronow, then 17 years old, was stabbed twelve times by Aylward to death in June 2022 while he slept in his bed at his Casino home in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales.

At the age of eighteen, Aylward committed the “execution-style killing” spurred by an unproven assault allegation while intoxicated and under the influence of drugs.

According to Julie Gronow, Ned’s mother, his family’s home has been irrevocably violated and is currently abandoned.

“Our family has been condemned to a lifelong sentence of unimaginable horror from which we will never escape,” she stated.

Today, Aylward, who is now 21 years old, found out his destiny at Lismore Supreme Court. After serving 12 of his 18 years in prison, he will be qualified to seek for parole.

Fairness Helen Wilson acknowledged Aylward’s regret but also pointed out that he had a rough upbringing.

Justice Wilson declared, “I am satisfied the offender is remorseful for his crime.”

“He was young when he committed the crime and had no prior convictions.”

“The offender has taken vocational courses while in custody … including a course to prepare him for tertiary education.”

Ned’s family reacted angrily to the punishment, with his mother addressing Aylward, “You’re pure, pure evil,” and Julie Gronow saying, “As you kiss your child good night, remember the Australian justice system values their life at only 18 years in prison.”

Ned’s best friend Layla Gava noted that loved ones were fulfilling his goal of travel in their own unique ways.

“Ned’s mum Julie had the idea to paint these rocks and kind of help him travel around the world, he never really got to do that,” she explained.





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