20.1 C

AustraliaThe PM demands that Barnaby Joyce be fired for his "bullet" comment

The PM demands that Barnaby Joyce be fired for his “bullet” comment

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Barnaby Joyce’s comparison of voting papers to “bullets” has prompted Anthony Albanese to demand that he be fired.

The MP for the Nationals spoke at an anti-renewables rally yesterday, drawing comparisons between ballots and bullets and urging supporters to “load that magazine” against Chris Bowen, the energy minister and prime minister, at the polls. 

Speaking out against the remarks made on , Albanese called them “completely unacceptable” and urged Peter Dutton to intervene.

“Peter Dutton has had four reshuffles, he should have a fifth, and Barnaby Joyce should go,” he stated.

“This kind of rhetoric is inappropriate for any aspect of Australian society, much less public life. ”

This man is speaking during a demonstration, demanding action, comparing firearms, bullets, magazines, and saying “goodbye” to three government officials.

What needs to happen for this guy to get fired?” The former deputy prime minister issued an apology today for employing the metaphor following Donald Trump’s attempted assassination.

Joyce compared the protesters at the anti-wind turbine rally to a “dog turd” and said that their vote was a weapon against the renewable energy source.

He made these remarks over the weekend.

“The bullet you have is this little piece of paper, it goes in the magazine called the voting box and it’s coming up,” he explained.

“Prepare to insert the magazine. “Go, Chris. Goodbye.

Stephen, good bye. Albo, good-bye.

And they’ll allow you to have a meeting in their office once they notice that.”

Following a reshuffle of the cabinet, former immigration minister Andrew Giles has been removed.

Tony Burke, the newly appointed Minister for Home Affairs, Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, Cyber Security, and the Arts, is now in charge of both his and Clare O’Neill’s jobs.

The prime minister claims that he is delegating accountability to his team’s senior members.





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