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AustraliaFather passes away at a Brisbane hospital after being ramped

Father passes away at a Brisbane hospital after being ramped

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After being admitted to Brisbane’s Princess Alexandra Hospital for several hours, a husband and father passed away from a heart arrest.

Ben Carse, according to Mark News, came at Wynnum Manly Community Health Centre on July 4 and was sent to the PA at around 7 o’clock in the evening due to chest problems.

It is thought that the 43-year-old was ramped up until approximately 10.30 p.m., when he was transferred to a shared room with a nurse.

It is believed that he stayed in the room until around nine in the morning the next day, when he passed away from a cardiac attack.

Since the coroner is still handling the case, the PA declined to comment.





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