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AustraliaAustralian couple's daughters who were killed in the Philippines describe their "living...

Australian couple’s daughters who were killed in the Philippines describe their “living nightmare”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The children of a man who was discovered dead in a hotel in the Philippines have revealed that they have been “living a nightmare” since the arrest of an ex-employee in connection with the crime.

Cleaning personnel at the Lake Hotel in Tagaytay discovered the bodies of David Fisk, 57, Lucita Cortez, 55, and her daughter-in-law Mary Jane Cortez, 30 last Wednesday.

The wrists and feet of the bodies were bound. Daughters Brittany and Lucinda Fisk reported feeling scared and perplexed ever since the finding.

“We have been living and continuing to live a nightmare until any of this makes sense,” stated Lucinda.

It just doesn’t make sense for someone to take our father away from us in such a horrible way.

“We won’t stop fighting until we find out why, and we won’t stop fighting until we have justice for our father and Lucita.”

“I’m terrified and I’m angry—really angry… I don’t want anyone else to experience this,” Brittany continued.

An individual turned himself in to the local police, according to confirmation earlier today.

A man suspected of being connected to their killings was seen on CCTV entering and exiting the trio’s shared room.

He had a sling bag and was dressed in a sweatshirt and mask.

The suspect’s identity was revealed to at least three hotel staff through security camera footage that featured a portion of his disguised face, according to Tagaytay police chief Charles Daven Capagcuan, who spoke to The Associated Press.

This was a significant development in the investigation.

The suspect chose to turn himself in on Tuesday in his native province of Batangas, which is close to Tagaytay, when the identification finally led officials there, according to Capagcuan.

At a press conference, Tagaytay City Mayor Abraham Tolentino and Capagcuan introduced the handcuffed suspect, who was dressed in a sweatshirt, dark glasses, and a face mask.

No one said what the man’s name was. The mayor apologized once more to Australia and the victims’ families for the “brutal crimes” that occurred in his city.

Capagcuan told reporters that the suspect had previously worked as a swimming pool cleaner at the hotel and that “he wanted to get back at the hotel management for his dismissal.”

In addition to the homicides, authorities intended to file criminal accusations of robbery against the suspect, who supposedly admitted taking David Fisk’s shoes and watch after smothering the two women and assaulting him with a knife, according to Capagcuan.

The Sutherland Shire family of Fisk, who live in New South Wales, had earlier released a statement expressing their “pray for answers and the truth in this horrific matter”.

“The love we have for our father and Lucita is so dear and this situation is like living a nightmare,” remarked the family.

They requested that their privacy be upheld.

The Australian pair, it is understood, had been traveling abroad and were scheduled to return on July 13.





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