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PoliticsAt a campaign rally, Trump was shot in the ear; the alleged...

At a campaign rally, Trump was shot in the ear; the alleged gunman was dead

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Leading Republicans and Democrats denounced the attack on former US President Donald Trump, who was shot in the ear during a campaign rally.

The incident is being looked into as a possible assassination attempt.

The incident on Saturday caused terror among the thousands of attendees at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and left a trail of blood over President Trump’s face.

The Republican presidential contender, according to Trump’s team, was “doing well” following the shooting, which the former leader claimed punctured the upper portion of his right ear.

Authorities report that two spectators were badly injured and that at least one spectator died.

According to the Secret Service, it killed the alleged attacker with a shot.

The incident occurred just after the 78-year-old president began his remarks.

The former president reached for his right ear with that hand, looked down at it, and then fell to his knees behind the podium.

Then, as a flurry of Secret Service personnel surrounded him, Trump came out to shake his fist and seemed to shout the words “Fight! Fight! Fight!” After that, he was swept off the stage and led into a car.

“After the shooting, a bullet that entered my right ear pierced the upper part of my ear,” Trump stated on his Truth Social site.

“A lot of bleeding happened.” The FBI declared that it had assumed charge of the investigation and referred to the attack as a “assassination attempt.”

An agency spokesman, Kevin Rojek, stated that the gunman has been identified, but he did not provide further information.

A motive was not immediately apparent, he continued.

Since Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981, this attack represents the most significant attempt to kill a US president or presidential contender.

Just four months away from the presidential election and days before Trump is set to be formally proclaimed the Republican nominee at his party’s convention—which, according to his campaign, will go forward as scheduled—it happened in a highly divided political environment.





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