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AustraliaFollowing a machete and baseball bat attack by the brothel owner, two...

Following a machete and baseball bat attack by the brothel owner, two people were charged and three people fled

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After an overnight rampage across western Sydney, the proprietor of a brothel was allegedly assaulted; two teens have been charged and three are still at large.

About 9:45 p.m., according to the police, five males purportedly with machetes and baseball bats went up to the 62-year-old man behind the Christina Road store in Villawood.

They allegedly assaulted him there, grabbed some money, and drove off in a little blue Holden Barina hatchback.

The owner was sent to Auburn Hospital, where he is presently recuperating, after receiving treatment for facial injuries.

Police would claim that the same crew was responsible for several other break-ins and armed robberies in the vicinity, according to Acting Commander Darren Sly.

“They are acting like cowards. Cowards is all they are,” he remarked. 

The males were accused of using baseball bats and a machete to break into a house on Judith Street in Chester Hill at around 7 p.m. that same evening, assaulting a 28-year-old inside.

Before driving off in the same vehicle, they are accused of stealing two cell phones.

Sly claimed that after the gang was spotted by police on Jamieson Lane in Fairfield East at approximately 10.30 p.m., they attempted to engage them but were reportedly driven away.

After a man was allegedly discovered in a home’s backyard, a chase broke out across the fences of many residences.

After being taken into custody, the 19-year-old was accused of aggravated break-in, committing a major felony that may be indicted, and robbery in company.

He will appear in court later today after being denied bail. 

Police discovered two individuals inside a blue Holden Barina hatch in nearby Malta Street around fifteen minutes after the 19-year-old.

According to Sly, the driver reportedly swung the machete at the cops before running away, but the 16-year-old youngster was apprehended by the authorities.

Since then, he has been accused of possessing a forbidden substance, handling the proceeds of crime carelessly, and having items in his personal possession that may be stolen.





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