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Monday, 2025-2-24 14:19:46

AustraliaAfter an alleged attack outside an Adelaide hospital, a 91-year-old man comes...

After an alleged attack outside an Adelaide hospital, a 91-year-old man comes up

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

For the first time, one of the four suspected victims of a horrifying and senseless alleged attack outside an Adelaide hospital has talked about what happened.

Although frontline staff at Modbury Hospital now have better protection, 91-year-old Victor Watson, who was almost killed in the purported attack, felt that more ought to be done.

“I lost my balance and fell, hitting my head on the ground.” After that, I briefly awoke and realised that I had simply blacked out,” he said.

Watson and his son-in-law were on their way out of Modbury Hospital, in the northeast of the city, where Watson had visited his wife, when a guy reportedly let loose on them.

“I looked and this fella was attacking him, and I – obviously, stupid thing – went out to try and help him,” claimed the man.

While attempting to assist his son-in-law, Watson was injured and spent three weeks in intensive care.

“I know it was foolish of me to go out. Watson remarked, “I’ve heard it a lot, but that’s just the kind of person I am.

Although his family was advised to brace themselves for the worst, he survived.

Safety concerns about the area around Modbury Hospital are still present.

The hospital complied with the nurses union’s request for more security measures today in order to safeguard both staff and patients.

Elizabeth Dabars, the chief executive of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation SA section, stated that “anyone who is working after hours will be guaranteed a car park onsite.”

Chief Executive Karen Puvogel of Northern Adelaide Local Health Network said that in order to facilitate staff escorting back to their cars between 5 and 10 p.m., the hospital had also added security support.

Watson wished those precautions had been taken sooner. “Definitely, there need to be someone nearer the door.

Even one or two security measures… to make sure that doesn’t happen again,” he remarked.

Charges were brought against Kym Bicknell, a former patient of Modbury Hospital, for two charges each of robbery, assault causing hurt, theft, and assault.





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