24.2 C

AustraliaSoutheast Melbourne's Frankston Pier is the scene of an alleged stabbing death...

Southeast Melbourne’s Frankston Pier is the scene of an alleged stabbing death of a fisherman

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A 45-year-old man from Cranbourne North is the subject of a homicide investigation after he is reported to have been tragically stabbed while fishing.

The 45-year-old guy was discovered dead at Frankston Pier, a well-liked swimming and fishing location in southeast Melbourne, prompting the arrest of a 36-year-old male.

Following complaints of an attack, police flocked to Frankston Pier, located off Pier Promenade, at approximately six in the morning today.

When they got there, the 45-year-old was unconscious and hurt on the pier.

At the scene, he passed away.

After the area was cordoned off and a crime scene was set up, police began questioning the 36-year-old guy who was discovered close to the scene. 

It is recognised that the arrested man does not have a fixed address.

Police are worried that the crime scene may be polluted because of the windy circumstances near the pier, which were spotted blowing up waves.

Detectives investigating homicides are not searching for any other individuals connected to the man’s demise.

“It is also believed the parties involved were not known to one another,” according to police.

The public is still prohibited from accessing large portions of the Frankston foreshore.Southeast Melbourne’s Frankston Pier is the scene of an alleged stabbing death of a fisherman.

A 45-year-old man from Cranbourne North is the subject of a homicide investigation after he is reported to have been tragically stabbed while fishing.

The 45-year-old guy was discovered dead at Frankston Pier, a well-liked swimming and fishing location in southeast Melbourne, prompting the arrest of a 36-year-old male.

Following complaints of an attack, police flocked to Frankston Pier, located off Pier Promenade, at approximately six in the morning today.

When they got there, the 45-year-old was unconscious and hurt on the pier.

At the scene, he passed away. After the area was cordoned off and a crime scene was set up, police began questioning the 36-year-old guy who was discovered close to the scene. 

It is recognised that the arrested man does not have a fixed address.

Police are worried that the crime scene may be polluted because of the windy circumstances near the pier, which were spotted blowing up waves.

Detectives investigating homicides are not searching for any other individuals connected to the man’s demise.

“It is also believed the parties involved were not known to one another,” according to police.

The public is still prohibited from accessing large portions of the Frankston foreshore.





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