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AustraliaTearful Albanese claims the adolescent accused of committing a terror act threatened...

Tearful Albanese claims the adolescent accused of committing a terror act threatened his family

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Minister of Public Safety Anthony Albanese broke down in tears today, accusing the youngster facing terror charges in Newcastle of threatening his own family.

On Wednesday, Jordan Patten is said to have livestreamed himself into the offices of Labor MP Tim Crakanthorp and the Newcastle Museum while armed with knives and wearing military gear.

The 19-year-old is accused of carrying out an act in anticipation of a terrorist attack.

When questioned about the situation today at a news appearance, Albanese broke down in tears and said that Patten had threatened his family.

“That documentation that was made is very concerning, including threats not just to Labor MPs, but to others, to my family,” he claimed.

It’s one more justification for keeping families out of the media. It’s a serious issue that poses a direct threat.

I commend the law enforcement and security services for their prompt action.

” The incident did not affect Crakanthorp or his employees because the adolescent was soon taken into custody by museum police.

He was a mentally sick and “troubled” youngster, according to his brother William Patten and aunt Emma Patten, who didn’t think he was capable of what is said to have transpired. 

Patten will return to court in August and did not request bail when he appeared in court yesterday.

Tearful Albanese claims the adolescent accused of committing a terror act threatened his family.

Minister of Public Safety Anthony Albanese broke down in tears today, accusing the youngster facing terror charges in Newcastle of threatening his own family.

On Wednesday, Jordan Patten is said to have livestreamed himself into the offices of Labor MP Tim Crakanthorp and the Newcastle Museum while armed with knives and wearing military gear.

The 19-year-old is accused of carrying out an act in anticipation of a terrorist attack.

When questioned about the situation today at a news appearance, Albanese broke down in tears and said that Patten had threatened his family.

“That documentation that was made is very concerning, including threats not just to Labor MPs, but to others, to my family,” he claimed.

It’s one more justification for keeping families out of the media. It’s a serious issue that poses a direct threat.

I commend the law enforcement and security services for their prompt action.

” The incident did not affect Crakanthorp or his employees because the adolescent was soon taken into custody by museum police.

He was a mentally sick and “troubled” youngster, according to his brother William Patten and aunt Emma Patten, who didn’t think he was capable of what is said to have transpired. 

Patten will return to court in August and did not request bail when he appeared in court yesterday.





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