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AustraliaA man stealing a car with a baby inside is stopped by...

A man stealing a car with a baby inside is stopped by a grandmother punching him in the face

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A 63-year-old Melbourne grandma has received recognition for thwarting an attempted auto burglary.

When a criminal suspected of going on a violent rampage chose the wrong victim, the grandmother took action to safeguard her granddaughter.

In Laverton, in Melbourne’s southwest, a mother hurriedly slipped into the post office at 5 p.m. on Friday to submit her application for a passport.

A 63-year-old grandma and a baby in the back seat were inside the Range Rover.

A few moments later, a cunning purported thief attempted to take the opulent 4WD, but the grandmother struck him in the face.

He drove off in a stolen vehicle, and the getaway driver was seen driving while rapping.

Leanne, a post office clerk, called the grandmother a “hero”. “Well done,” she remarked. “She was quick thinking and did what she had to do to protect her grandchild.”

According to the police, the group is thought to have committed several aggravated burglaries and armed robberies in Point Cook and Laverton between June 19 and June 21.

While the victims were at home last Wednesday, a blue Ford Falcon was taken from Point Cook.

Another property was broken into by three men wearing high-visibility clothing.

They took jewellery, laptops and bank cards, which they later used at a petrol station.

Later, three men in Broadmeadows, ages 22, 22, and 21, were taken into custody.

All of them have been charged with major offences, such as assault, house invasion, and issuing death threats.

They were all placed on custody remand.A man stealing a car with a baby inside is stopped by a grandmother punching him in the face.

A 63-year-old Melbourne grandma has received recognition for thwarting an attempted auto burglary.

When a criminal suspected of going on a violent rampage chose the wrong victim, the grandmother took action to safeguard her granddaughter.

In Laverton, in Melbourne’s southwest, a mother hurriedly slipped into the post office at 5 p.m. on Friday to submit her application for a passport.

A 63-year-old grandma and a baby in the back seat were inside the Range Rover.

A few moments later, a cunning purported thief attempted to take the opulent 4WD, but the grandmother struck him in the face.

He drove off in a stolen vehicle, and the getaway driver was seen driving while rapping.

Leanne, a post office clerk, called the grandmother a “hero”.

“Well done,” she remarked.

“She was quick thinking and did what she had to do to protect her grandchild.”

According to the police, the group is thought to have committed several aggravated burglaries and armed robberies in Point Cook and Laverton between June 19 and June 21.

While the victims were at home last Wednesday, a blue Ford Falcon was taken from Point Cook.

Another property was broken into by three men wearing high-visibility clothing.

They took jewellery, laptops and bank cards, which they later used at a petrol station.

Later, three men in Broadmeadows, ages 22, 22, and 21, were taken into custody.

All of them have been charged with major offences, such as assault, house invasion, and issuing death threats.

They were all placed on custody remand.





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