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AustraliaA Victoria Police detective was jailed for having sex with a victim...

A Victoria Police detective was jailed for having sex with a victim of a sexual offense

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The woman’s caseworker went to tell her that her accused abuser had entered a guilty plea in court that very day.

The defenseless victim was informed by the police investigator that the man had begged, shoved her onto her bed, and had sex with her.

“Can you imagine what would do?” The woman was told by John Melhuish. “And I feel like telling him.”

The 48-year-old former sex crimes investigator was sentenced to five months in prison on Monday after entering a guilty plea to a charge of misconduct in public office in the County Court.

Before being suspended, he served for twenty years as a member of the Victoria Police.

Melhuish got to know the woman while looking into her ex-partner, who had abused her for years, according to what the court was informed.

According to prosecutor Alex Albert, police were summoned to a family violence case in April 2012 after a man had physically and sexually attacked a lady after binding her hands with a coat hanger and string.

Melhuish visited the man’s ex-partner’s house because police had been informed that he had gone there right away following the rape.

The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous for legal purposes, confided in Melhuish about her fear of the guy because of past acts of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.

Late at night, Melhuish started going to see her, inquiring if there was anything he could do and making sure she was okay.

Following the rape in April 2012, the accused man fled to Queensland, and Melhuish made arrangements for his capture and extradition back to Victoria.

Melhuish went to check on the woman after calling her late at night to inform her about the arrest.

According to Albert, he told her that she “looked sexy in the singlet and shorts she was wearing and it turned him on” before they had intercourse.

Melhuish stated that she was unable to disclose their relationship to others for fear of having her case against her ex-partner dismissed.

He kept going to see her, and in October 2013, he informed her that their text exchanges would never be seen by anyone.

His message was read aloud in court.

“I’m thinking I still wanted to be your friend in 10 years’ time and each of us protect the other,” he wrote.

Melhuish went to the other woman’s house to break the news that her former boyfriend had entered a guilty plea in court for the offenses.

Leading her to the bedroom, Melhuish forced her onto the bed, undid her pants, and they engaged in sexual activity.

In March 2020, he was placed on administrative leave from Victoria Police after the woman revealed their relationship.

Melhuish’s attorney Jason Gullaci SC said that as a result of the offense, he has lost his spouse, career, and contact with his kids.

“He’s going to jail and he understands that he’ll be remanded today,” he stated.

Melhuish, according to Judge Richard Maidment, took advantage of his authority as a police officer by having a relationship with the woman.

“Your conduct was directed towards a person who undoubtedly was a vulnerable victim of sexual violence and abuse at the hands of a partner,” said the judge.

“Your close proximity to the investigation and to the victim and to the accused was likely to place in jeopardy the criminal proceedings against that man.”

Melhuish was sentenced to 18 months of community service after serving a five-month jail term.





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