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AustraliaPolice discover a gun they believe was used to kill Natalie Frahm,...

Police discover a gun they believe was used to kill Natalie Frahm, the mother of Mackay

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A gun that police suspect was used to kill a Mackay mother last week has been found.

On Wednesday afternoon, Natalie Frahm, 34, was reportedly shot and killed by her neighbor Ryan Geoffrey Cole when she and her two children, ages 11 and 12, were sitting in her car in her driveway in Robb Place, South Mackay.

After the two kids fled for help, Cole is accused of shooting 66-year-old James McGill, who the police claimed was heading to Frahm’s aid.

Detective Acting Superintendent Emma Novosel said today that during a search of a Robb Place property, the.22-caliber handgun that was allegedly used in the shooting was discovered together with an air rifle and a handmade, unusable long-arm rifle.

“Examination of the pistol located indicates that it matches the description given to us by Mr McGill and also the witnesses to this event,” Novosel stated.

“Preliminary advice from forensic examinations and ballistic experts lead police to believe that this is the weapon used to fatally wound Natalie Frahm and to injure James McGill.”

She said that none of the weapons discovered had registrations.

“Investigations are ongoing into the origin of the pistol and how it came to be in the possession of the defendant,” Novosel stated.

Cole was charged with murder and attempted murder when he appeared in court via videolink on Friday.

After the shooting, he is said to have driven off in a silver Mitsubishi Triton.

After being located, he is said to have been apprehended at a fuel station on the Bruce Highway close to Hilton Street.

The purported attack’s motivation is now unknown.

Police are hoping to contact with anyone who has information or dashcam footage as the investigation is still ongoing.





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