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AustraliaMan detained for claimed savage attack on Uber driver

Man detained for claimed savage attack on Uber driver

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Allegedly having smashed an Uber driver and stolen his car in Sydney’s north-west this morning, a 23-year-old man is in arrest.

Police report that the 49-year-old rideshare driver in Box Hill took a booking from two 23-year-olds at 12.35 a.m.

From there, they were driven to a gas station in Rouse Hill, where they bought some food, and then to Winston Hills, where one of them is accused of battering the driver, slashing his head and face.

Police claimed the motorist fled his vehicle and sought assistance from a nearby resident who phoned Triple Zero.

Driving away in the rideshare driver’s white 2018 VW Tiguan were the two men.

The 23-year-old accused of battering the driver was apprehended at a Winston Hills house less than 12 hours following the claimed attack.

He is helping police with their inquiries. The other 23-year has not been detained but is also helping police with their inquiries.

Following the claimed attack, the driver visited a hospital for treatment; but, he has subsequently been released.

Superintendent Barry Vincent reported, “He was taken to hospital where he’s been treated for his injuries, he’s since been discharged from hospital for follow-up medical appointments to come.”

The claimed attack worried police about something.

“It causes us a great deal of concern that someone earning their wages at such an early time of the morning, that this can occur,” Vincent remarked.

Police have located the driver’s automobile; the 49-year-old intends to get back to work shortly. Uber denounced the claimed attack in a comment.

“This is a shocking incidence and we strongly condemn any criminal or violent activity against driver partners,” an Uber spokesman said.

“We got in touch with the driver-partner right away upon learning of the incident to show our support and will keep helping law authorities with their inquiries. “We are greatly committed to the safety of driver partners on the Uber app, and have a number of guidelines and features in place with the aim of keeping drivers safe.”





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