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AustraliaSydney police officer discharges gun after being rammed; two males are being...

Sydney police officer discharges gun after being rammed; two males are being sought

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Two males who were captured breaking into an apartment tower in Sydney are still the target of a manhunt.

Before the two embarked on a rampage of crimes around the Inner West, a constable in St Peters was forced to shoot at their getaway car. At 1:15 a.m., a police escort pursued the Volkswagen Golf down King St.

Officers were earlier saw travelling in the direction of St Peters after receiving reports of a break-in at a unit block on the Princes Highway.

There, two males were seen trying to break through a front door.

The two then made their way to a getaway vehicle in a parking lot downstairs.

When the police shouted for them to stop, the car raced right towards the officers.

NSW Police Det Act Supt Ben Kennis stated, “One of those cops drew their firearm and a single shot was discharged into the vehicle.”

Emily Miller, a resident, reported hearing “a really loud bang.”

“All of a sudden a cop car just took off, and their were police downstairs looking a bit frantic,” she continued.

In Newtown, the police claim to have lost sight of the Volkswagen.

The Golf was then picked up by another patrol car on Victoria Road at Rozelle, and they pursued it for a while.

The car was set on fire inside a Pyrmont apartment building parking lot by two in the morning.

The two men ran away and were still on the run when police officers showed up on Harris Street.

It’s unclear if the gunshot into the automobile struck either of the males.

A portion of the investigation will focus on whether the constable’s use of his pistol at that particular moment was appropriate.

“The police officer in their mind needs to fear for their life,” stated Kenis.





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