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AustraliaMan imprisoned eleven years after killing Melbourne house partner

Man imprisoned eleven years after killing Melbourne house partner

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

At least 11 years have been spent behind bars for a guy who gathered takeaway pizza following savagely killing his partner.

Thirty-year-old Robert Rickerby entered a guilty plea to manslaughter of Jessica Geddes in southeast Melbourne.

Following major blunt force injuries to her head and chest, the 27-year-old was left to die in the bedroom of their Endeavour Hills residence on November 6, 2020.

Rickerby went to get two pizzas and ate many slices after the tragic pounding before phoning his parents.

Thirty minutes later, he called an ambulance, urged by them. Paramedics confirmed Geddes was dead when they arrived.

For the savage killing of an exceedingly vulnerable person, Supreme Court Justice James Elliott today sentenced Rickerby to 15 years and six months in jail.

“You have mercilessly taken the life of someone who trusted you,” the court said to Rickerby. Having already spent two years and two months behind bars, he will be qualified for parole following 11 years in jail.

Detectives charged Rickerby over Geddes’ death eighteen months later, according court records.

After being extradited from Queensland on one count of murder in April 2022, he challenged the allegation and instead offered to enter a manslaughter plea in May 2024.

The prosecution took the offer, and on Monday Rickerby formally entered a guilty plea to the Supreme Court.

Although it occurred anytime between 2.40pm and 5.55pm on November 6, police could not state exactly when Geddes was slain.

By the time paramedics checked Geddes at 6.48pm, she would have been dead for at least half an hour.

Complications resulting from fractures and other injuries from Rickerby punching, kicking, or hitting her claimed her life.

Before her death, Geddes experienced years of physical and psychological violence from Rickerby, the prosecutor informed the court.





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