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AustraliaAfter a "gentle soul" was slain in an alleged road rage attack,...

After a “gentle soul” was slain in an alleged road rage attack, a man is accused with manslaughter

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

There is a manslaughter charge against the driver who is suspected of being the cause of a kickboxer’s death in Western Sydney during an incident of road rage.

About 8.45 a.m. yesterday, Rhyce Harding, 27, passed away after he was allegedly dragged 100 meters by a ute along Jersey Road in Blackett.

When the driver fled the scene, a nearly 24-hour search was launched to find him.

After a white ute was taken by police from Mileham Street in Windsor, a 39-year-old man was brought to the Mount Druitt Police Station at around 6.30 a.m. today.

He is currently facing charges of manslaughter, reckless driving, failing to stop and offer assistance after a vehicle impact that results in death, and driving in a dangerous manner that results in death.

The man will appear in Parramatta Local Court tomorrow after being denied bail. 

The car that was pursuing Harding allegedly threatened him, and “words were exchanged” when he got out of the car, according to the police.

At yesterday’s press conference, Inspector Shane Ranee stated, “It’s devastating and bad for the victim’s family.”

According to Harding’s relatives, he will always be remembered.

They stated in a statement, “It is impossible to adequately capture the uniqueness of Rhyce.”

“He was always the first one to help another human being without wanting anything in return, he gave so much to his family, he will never be forgotten.”

Harding worked as a gardener by day but was an avid kickboxer at Marsden Park’s World Gym.

This time last year, he won his first amateur race.

Owner of World Gym Mark Grech said, “Even though there might be a stigma because he was a kickboxer, he wasn’t an aggressive human being, just a gentle soul.”

In Blackett, a cross bearing his name has been erected. According to buddy Jordan Dessent, “He was really funny.”





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