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AustraliaThe hardest prison in NSW is home to the alleged killer of...

The hardest prison in NSW is home to the alleged killer of Molly Ticehurst

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The most severe prison in New South Wales is housing the guy suspected of killing Molly Ticehurst due to domestic abuse.

Daniel Billings made a brief appearance via audio-visual link this morning in Parkes Local Court from the Goulburn jail’s High Risk Management Correctional Centre.

Billings, with dreadlocked hair, a moustache, and prison greens, remained silent but gave a nod to indicate he could hear the court proceedings.

As per the website of Corrective Services NSW, the 29-year-old was seen on video from a small room within the correctional institution.

This area is specifically meant to accommodate male detainees who pose a high risk or those who have a “high public profile”.

Billings’ case was postponed by Magistrate Brett Thomas so that the prosecution could compile a brief of evidence.

Billings is accused of killing Ticehurst, 28, whose body was discovered early on April 22 in her Forbes, Central Western New South Wales, residence.

At the time of the suspected murder, he was being held on bail on three counts of engaging in sexual activity with Ticehurst’s consent and four counts of threatening and stalking her.

Two counts of carelessly damaging property at her residence and aggravated animal cruelty against her 12-week-old dachshund dog were also included in the previous allegations.

A registrar at Dubbo Local Court had granted Billings, a Parkes resident, bail on those charges during a Saturday morning hearing in early April, two weeks prior to the suspected murder.

On April 18, he made an appearance in Parkes Local Court, where his bail was extended.

A Orange magistrate officially revoked Billings’ freedom the day following his apprehension on a murder charge.

Billings faces charges of violating an order against apprehended violence and noncompliance with bail requirements in addition to the murder charge.

Following Ticehurst’s passing, the NSW government changed its bail policies, galvanising a burgeoning campaign against gendered violence.

In today’s brief mention, Thomas approved the request of Billings’ Legal Aid attorney to appear via video conference when the case comes back before the court.

“Mr Billings will be on the AVL at this stage as well,” Thomas stated.

On August 22, the case was postponed to Parkes Local Court.





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