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AustraliaAllegedly, gunman killed neighbour while she sat in car with two children

Allegedly, gunman killed neighbour while she sat in car with two children

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Video shows the moment police apprehended a 31-year-old man accused of killing a woman while she was seated in her car with two little children.

Ryan Geoffrey Cole was arrested outside a service station following police lock-down of surrounding streets in search for him.

As she sat in her car with two children, ages 11 and 12, parked at a house on Robb Place in South Mackay yesterday afternoon, Cole allegedly shot the 34-year-old mother who police say he did not even know.

As the two youngsters fled for help, Cole allegedly also shot a 66-year-old man who authorities claimed was assisting the mother.

Charged with one count each of murder and attempted murder, the accused gunman went before courts today.

Police claimed Cole had previously owned licenced firearms and were looking at claims she had made regarding up to twelve weapons.

Cole was the victim’s next-door neighbour, according to Detective Acting Superintendent Emma Novosel, and police were still working on a motivation.

She said, “Multiple crime scenes have been established and investigations are ongoing.”

Although the accused gunman had past police contact, that had been “very minimal”.

According to Novosel, the man fired one shot at every victim with a handgun classified as revolver type.

The claimed shooting occurred just as the mom was ready to bring the two children to a sporting event.

The youngsters escaped the scene and dashed for the residence of the 66-year-old man who was later shot.

Novosel commended the youngsters’ bravery.

She remarked, “It’s obviously a sad event where these young girls have witnessed a violent death… they were incredibly brave.”

The 66-year-old guy had spoken with police from the hospital where he had surgery with wounds to his hand and sternum, she said.

Before police arrived, the accused gunman fled the area in his silver Mitsubishi Triton.

Searching for the claimed gunman, police closed many streets for hours.

Following the automobile to a gas station on the Bruce Highway close to Hilton Street, police detained Cole.





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