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AustraliaThe teenager who shoved the elderly grandmother off the pier was not...

The teenager who shoved the elderly grandmother off the pier was not found guilty

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

There has been no criminal conviction for the youngster who shoved an elderly woman over a pier and shared the video on social media.

With the encouragement of his companions, the 14-year-old shoved the victim off Mornington Pier in January.

Even though the youngster was out on bond at the time of the incident, the court was informed that he regretted what he had done.

The adolescent received a diversion today, which entails that he must participate in an obligatory program that involves education and counseling sessions.

He will not have the charges on his record if he fulfills the four-month requirement.

The father of the adolescent declared outside the court, “We’re very pleased with the outcome.” The magistrate informed the court that “you’re remorseful for your behaviour, which is a positive step for you and the community” and that “it’s not going to be an easy process” during the sentence process.

The 14-year-old was out on bail at the time of the January incident for attacking a 35-year-old woman in Hastings in November.

He is currently serving a second diversion for that crime, in which the victim—who had a fight with some teenagers—was allegedly punched in the head many times.

The magistrate stated today, “You’re a smart young man; things can change with support.”

It was later discovered that the victim of the pier shoving was a woman, not the 79-year-old man as first believed.

Although she has never spoken in public, it is known that she is connected to the Chinese fishing population in the area.

Because she was unable to swim, bystanders had to save her.

The now-15-year-old, who cannot be seen for legal reasons, was heard to be regretful while in the courtroom.

As he departed, he gave the middle finger to people who were waiting outside.





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