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AustraliaA body was discovered in a river 20 years after the man...

A body was discovered in a river 20 years after the man accused with murder

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Twenty years after a father’s body was discovered in a western Sydney river, weighed down with rocks, a man has been charged with murder.

According to police, Gofal Baziad, 52, who previously dated Jason Palmer’s wife, Renny, killed the 34-year-old British national.

According to Detective Superintendent Daniel Doherty, the commander of the homicide squad, Baziad’s suspected motivation was to maintain her relationship with Renny.

“We will claim in court that he was extremely possessive, envious, and infatuated with her to the point that we think—and we will present the evidence—that this drove him to perpetrate what we will describe as an extremely brutal crime. “Mr. Palmer had suffered multiple stabbings. “We believe it was a pure crime of passion … however it’s a horrendous murder.”

Before leaving her house on Baltimore Street in Belfield, close to Lakemba, he was last seen two days earlier.

Three weeks later, a group of kids discovered his body buried in the Nepean River at Menangle, weighed down by pebbles.

Palmer was fatally stabbed at his unit on Barremma Road in Lakemba, according to the NSW coroner’s 2007 inquest.

According to NSW Police, the matter has been forwarded to the Unsolved Homicide Team for a follow-up inquiry.

According to the police, Renny and Baziad’s friendship persisted even after Palmer’s purported murder.

They claimed that soon after Palmer’s passing, Baziad and Renny relocated to Indonesia before coming back to Queensland.

Later on, Baziad and Renny’s relationship broke down. After conducting a re-interview with witnesses and analysing telecoms, investigators arrested Baziad, who they claimed was in Sydney seeking employment.

Just before 2:00 PM yesterday, a car stop on Benson Road in Ingleburn, in the southwest of the city, resulted in his detention.

After being brought to the Campbelltown Police Station, he was accused of murder. The charge, according to police, “relieved” and “ecstatic” Palmer’s sister, who resides in the UK.

It is believed by the officers that multiple individuals were required to carry out the suspected murder and dispose of the body in the river.

Palmer’s wife is not said to have been aware of or involved in the suspected murder.

If anyone has any information, members of the Indonesian community in Victoria, Queensland, and New South Wales are asked to get in touch with the police.

At Campbelltown Local Court, the arrested guy was denied bail; he is scheduled to appear in court again on August 14.





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