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AustraliaMatt Kean, a Liberal MP and former NSW Treasurer, leaves the political...

Matt Kean, a Liberal MP and former NSW Treasurer, leaves the political field

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Former state treasurer and Liberal MP for New South Wales, Matt Kean, has left politics.

Kean made the unexpected revelation this afternoon, declaring that he will not be seeking a seat in the federal parliament and that he will instead pursue a business career in the energy industry.

“Although I’m leaving parliament, I still want to be of service to the public and will keep trying to give back as much as I can to the community and the causes that I care deeply about.”

This will pertain to a distinct career,” he declared. Only a few hours had passed since Daniel Mookhey, the Labor Treasurer, presented his second budget, when Kean made his statement.

Along with criticizing his predecessor, he took the occasion to call for “the worst NSW budget in modern history” to have been delivered.

“He broke the budget in just eighteen months. He has attempted to place the blame for his unsuccessful policies on others rather than himself.

“The dog ate my surplus,” is going to be the next lame excuse we hear, really.”

In announcing his departure, Kean stated that his two greatest accomplishments during his 13 years as the Member for Hornsby were advocating successfully for the Northconnex motorway’s construction and delivery and the rebuilding of Hornsby Hospital.

Kean stated that he “fought hard to build a return to surplus after the economic damage of the pandemic” in his capacity as treasurer.

“Through this, I focused the 2022 budget on delivering the biggest generational investment in women’s economic opportunity this state has seen,” added the governor.

“I am also proud of the agenda-setting reforms I drove relating to energy and climate change.”

Kean also expressed gratitude to his partner and family, the locals who voted for him, and his mentors, former premier Gladys Berejiklian.

“I do not plan to run for a federal seat, but I will always be a proud member of the Liberal Party.

“Instead I will pursue a corporate career in the energy sector to continue playing a role driving this important transition.”





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