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AustraliaA man was charged with murder some months after a Sydney surfer...

A man was charged with murder some months after a Sydney surfer died

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Only a few days after the victim’s brother made a heartfelt plea to the public, a man has been charged in connection with the death of a surfer in Manly earlier this year.

Guy Haymes,59, was discovered inside a Pittwater Road flat with severe head trauma after an alleged assault on February 27.

Haymes, referred to as “Creature” in the community, was admitted to the hospital on March 15 in a critical condition.

Strike Force Flat was formed by NSW Police in March to look into the claimed assault and Guy’s demise.

Mark Haymes joined police on Tuesday in urging anyone with knowledge regarding his brother’s passing to come forward.

“It’s been pretty hard, just not knowing what happened that day,” he stated.

Around 7:00 p.m. yesterday, police in Greenacre took Jayson Brett Dal Molin, 41, into custody.

Following his arrest, he was charged with murder, detention for commercial gain, and detention resulting in actual bodily harm at the Bankstown Police Station.

He appeared in front of Parramatta Local Court today and was denied bail.





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