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AustraliaIn a severe setback to independent candidates, North Sydney will be eliminated...

In a severe setback to independent candidates, North Sydney will be eliminated in the next election

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following the Australian Electoral Commission’s (AEC) proposal to do away with North Sydney’s division, true independent MP Kylea Tink will not be able to defend a seat in the federal election that takes place next year.

Because of its slower pace of population growth than other parts of the nation, NSW is expected to lose a seat at the next election.

The AEC stated in its redistribution plan, which was made public today, that North Sydney should be the constituency to lose.

If the modifications are granted, voters will cast ballots in Bradfield, Warringah, and Bennelong, three nearby constituencies.

Despite her disappointment with the AEC’s plan, Tink declared that she would provide her voters with “the same level of representation that they’ve had over the past two years” until the next election.

“I will continue to stand up for and fight for the people of North Sydney on the issues that matter most to our community,” she stated.

“Participating in this involves keeping both main parties accountable for their lack of ambition and climate change action.

In addition, North Sydney is in dire need of policies that will address intergenerational inequalities, lower housing costs and living expenses, preserve the environment for coming generations, and advance a forward-thinking, intelligent economy.

“I remain committed to the independent political movement and will continue to support it wherever and whenever I can.”

This is a draft plan, and there is still work to be done.

In due order, I will have more to say on this.” Since 1901, when Australia held its first election following federation, North Sydney has existed.

A secure Liberal seat, it had been held by the party from 1949 until 2022 (except for a six-year period in the early to mid-1990s), when Tink defeated Trent Zimmerman as climate-friendly independents began to overthrow Coalition MPs in inner-city seats.

At the next federal election, Tink won’t be able to hold onto North Sydney, but she could be able to shift to a another seat.

In 2022, independent candidate Nicolette Boelle challenged incumbent Liberal front-runner Paul Fletcher, who currently holds the seat in nearby Bradfield.

Thanks to MP Zali Steggal, Warringah is already an independent territory, however Bennelong was not fielded by an independent in the most recent election.

Jerome Laxale is now handling it on behalf of Labour.

The boundaries of Eden-Monaro and Riverina in the state’s south, as well as Hume in Sydney’s west, have also been subject to “major changes” recommended by the AEC.

Approximately 13% of NSW electors will be affected by the redistribution overall.

The AEC’s draft judgement was released weeks after it also suggested eliminating the Higgins seat in Melbourne due to Victoria’s electoral loss to Western Australia.

In order to guarantee that the 150 divisions in the lower house fairly reflect Australia’s population, redistribution takes place before to each federal election.





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