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AustraliaWomen killed when Sydney's 'freak wave' carried group into sea identified

Women killed when Sydney’s ‘freak wave’ carried group into sea identified

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Police have reported that two women who perished when they were dragged into the ocean in Sydney’s south belonged to a group of picnickers strolling along a rock platform.

First called to the scene near Kurnell at 4.30pm, emergency services were followed by a NSW Police boat dragging the women out of the sea approximately 18 minutes later.

As the boat headed to Botany Bay, NSW Police constables started CPR on the women; paramedics arrived to also attempt to revive them. Both women, Marwa Hashim and Niersha Akakkal, passed away at the scene, nevertheless.

Roshna Hashim, Marwa’s sister, was brought to a hospital where she received treatment for a leg injury and hypothermia.

She’s in a steady state. Every woman has been determined to be an Indian national.

Police claimed earlier they thought they were from Nepal.

Friends in Sydney are now requesting government assistance with visas to send Indian families to attend their funerals.

Five people had been strolling along the cliffs at low tide when a “freak wave” knocked the women into the sea, NSW Police Superintendent Joe McNulty told Today.

Later on, he acknowledged the group “probably” neglected the low tide and slippery state of the rock platform.

“With the rock platform exposed, it was probably inviting but it was a dangerous situation to put yourself in,” McNulty remarked to the journalists. ”

Unfortunately, the sea conditions and the clothes the persons were wearing at the time did not help us in their retrieval yesterday afternoon; they were clad in somewhat heavy winter apparel.

“BThe water pressure from the wave was quite huge, a major volume of water sweeping the three of them in one wave action into the water.”

Two onlookers were being hypothermia treated.

After Marwa’s husband contacted Rabih Yassinne for assistance, he helped remove Roshna from the sea and has been praised as a hero. “He came to me saying please help, he said kindly there’s people drowning down there,” Yashinne added. “I grabbed her; the wave was so strong, so very tough. “We managed to take her out and she was unconscious.”

Chief executive Steven Pearce of Surf Life Saving NSW cautioned beachgoers about using care near the famously hazardous coastline.

“In the last two weeks we have seen four drownings at this location, all of which stemming from people participating in activities on exposed rock shelves which pose serious risks,” Pearce stated.

“We cannot stress enough, particularly at this time of year when we see more and more people traveling to the coastline for activities other than swimming, that it is still very important that you take caution and understand your limits in these treacherous locations.”

Although rock fisherman frequent the region, there is no evidence the women were fishing.

Two fishermen perished last month after being carried off rocks down the same length of coast.

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service said it is looking at the signage at the rock platform and will examine whether there is anything else it might do to guarantee coastal people’s safety.

Following yesterday’s sad fatalities, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is helping police and examining signs in place at Yena Gap close to Kurnell in the Kamay Botany Bay National Park.

“NPWS seeks to guarantee visitors are safe when visiting National Parks and coastal areas as people wish to visit far-off places.
“NPWS will check the signage in place at Yena Gap to see if anything else can be done to ensure people are aware of the hazards in this area.”

McNulty cautioned visitors on the rocks to be extremely careful. “Never turn your back on the sea, whatever activity you’re doing,” he said. ”

It is the golden rule. Never turn your back on the sea.





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