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AustraliaMan extradited following accusations of drugging, kidnapping, and assaulting a lady in...

Man extradited following accusations of drugging, kidnapping, and assaulting a lady in Sydney

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A Victorian man was extradited to New South Wales in connection with a reported abduction and sexual assault of a female earlier in the year.

On Saturday, April 20 around 6:45 p.m., the 36-year-old woman was allegedly coerced into a Toyota Camry by a group of guys she did not know in Epping.

The car then allegedly drove off with her inside. Yanyu Mu, 29, was accused by police today with several counts of kidnapping and sexual abuse.

When the woman was discovered by police at a separate place at 1 pm the next day, she claimed them she had been the victim of a drug attack and sexual assault.

For treatment, the woman was brought to a hospital.

During the execution of a search warrant on April 22, detectives in Eastwood discovered the woman’s clothing, narcotics, and what they believe to be restraints used during the alleged sexual assault.

The stuff was discovered thrown away in a bin.

On June 6, after additional investigation and with support from Victoria Police, the 29-year-old man was taken into custody in Oakleigh East.

He was extradited to Sydney on June 7.

Police will claim that during the alleged sexual assault, the man drugged, abducted, and took pictures of the woman.

They further claim that he threatened to make the pictures public if she didn’t give him $300,000.

He is accused of taking or detaining people in a company with the intent to hold them ransom, causing actual bodily harm, knowing that a criminal group is being directed by him, aggravated sexual assault in a company and depriving them of their freedom, purposefully recording private images without permission, threatening to distribute private images without permission, and using intoxicating substances to commit an indictable offense.

He showed up at Parramatta Local Court today after being denied bail.

In connection with the alleged offenses, police are still looking for a woman of Asian appearance and a guy of Caucasian or Middle Eastern appearance.

Victorian Police have detained a fourth suspected gang member on unrelated charges. According to NSW police, this man was the one who attacked the victim sexually.





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