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AustraliaA cost of living assistance payment of $244 will be given to...

A cost of living assistance payment of $244 will be given to South Australians

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A $244 reward will be given to hard-working South Australians to help them make ends meet.

The centerpiece of the state budget that was presented today was cost of living assistance, according to Premier Peter Malinauskas and Treasurer Stephen Mullighan.

“Lower incomes, people on fixed incomes like pensioners, people with families, with children in the public education system, that’s where our effort is oriented,” Malinauskas stated. 

A $244 one-time payment will be given to roughly 210,000 people on the cost of living concession in the upcoming weeks, per the budget.

Additionally, the concession for renters and self-funded retirees will treble to $256.

Regarding the relief, Mullighan remarked, “Perhaps give those people some confidence that they can afford to heat their homes as we get into winter.”

Parents and guardians will receive $200 in savings on supplies and services at government schools, in addition to being eligible for two $100 sport vouchers per kid.

These steps are in addition to the cost-of-living assistance provided by the federal budget, which saw a $300 reduction in household energy bills and a cut for all taxpayers.

“Our job as a state government is to compliment what they are doing, getting to people in our community who need it most,” Mullighan stated.

The health sector received a record $2.5 billion in funding, while $692 million was invested on worker training to prepare them for problems in the workplace of the future.

In addition, $5 million was allocated to address family and domestic abuse, and $8.3 million was set aside to promote tourism.

The state debt is expected to skyrocket to $44 billion by 2027 under the proposed budget. 





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